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Wedding at castle of Dreams (2).jpg

The perfect wedding, or so she thought.


The fairy-tale castle was the perfect setting.

The venue couldn’t be any more romantic and the man she was set to marry was straight out of the book of Happy Ever After.


The scene was set and nothing was left to chance; it was perfect in every way.


Then the guests arrived and Lily discovered they hadn’t read the memo.


Unwelcome visitors, parents on the edge of insanity and friends who think they know best make this a wedding Lily wishes was over already.


A legend that dooms the marriage before it’s even happened and a happily ever after that may not make it past the speeches.


Lily is about to discover there is no such thing as the perfect day and you can’t plan for the unexpected.


The Wedding at the Castle of Dreams follows Lily and Finn’s story from Aunt Daisy’s Letter. You do not have to read it to enjoy this story & if you enjoy this can go back and see how it all began.


It’s how it ends that’s undecided!

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